Best Ground Cover Ideas For Your Texas Lawn’s Shadiest Areas

Best Ground Cover Ideas For Your Texas Lawn’s Shadiest Areas
June 5, 2021 handsomelawn
In Article

For anyone who wants to reduce the amount of landscaping needed for their yard and keep things simple in terms of aesthetic and design, we have two words for you: ground cover. Ground covers offer many different advantages to your yard, especially in more problematic areas like slopes, over roots of large trees, and most importantly, in shade. The overall purpose of ground cover is to cover an area of the ground in order to protect the soil from drought or erosion. Even the bare, shady spots of your yard can get a little landscaping love, as long as you know the right ground cover options for you. Take a look at these ground cover ideas that can thrive in Texas, as well as fill in those shady, bare patches of lawn.

English Ivy

English Ivy is one of those classic ground cover plants that become perfect for the shaded areas in your yard. Not only is English Ivy low maintenance, but it also is not too invasive when planted in Texas.  This beautiful ground cover will fill in all of those bare spots in your yard but make it looks well-manicured and intentional.

Dwarf Mexican Petunia

The Dwarf Mexican Petunia is a smaller version of the parent Mexican petunia – and also less invasive. This small perennial is very common in central parts of Texas and does best when placed in a smaller, confined bed rather than just spreading out. The Dwarf Petunia can be mowed with a lawnmower once a year to keep everything in check.

Purple Oxalis 

Perhaps one of the prettiest shaded ground cover options, the purple oxalis is a perennial that can be used as ground cover. The maintenance on the purple oxalis is very low, requiring only a pruning once every handful of years. Plus, the pink flowers and purple foliage really add some beauty!


One of the more popular options for ground covers in shaded areas is the hosta plants. These plants are great when in shaded spots, especially when the soil drains well. These plants can be used in a variety of ways to spruce up your landscaping, especially in gardens and around the base of trees.


You may have heard the name before, but in case you didn’t know, Lily-of-the-valley plants are great for shady areas of your yard. Known for producing very fragrant, white flowers, Lily-of-the-valley can add a little bit of brightness to any shaded area of your yard. This plant does prefer more moist conditions, however, and you will need to keep an eye on it as it can spread very quickly.

So, what do you think of these ground cover ideas? Do you have any shady spots on your lawn that deserve a makeover? Share with us your thoughts in the comments section! As always, if you need some professional help from the best, then contact Handsome Lawn Service for all of your landscaping needs.