It’s hard to try and get your lawn springtime ready when cold snaps are coming through on a near-weekly basis. But fear not, friends. There are plenty of ways in which we can still prepare for some spring lawn preening despite the cold fronts rolling in. First things first, we need a plan in place and that’s where this springtime lawn care schedule comes into play. Pretty soon winter will be behind us and with this plan, your lawn is about to start looking sharper than ever before.
You’re going to start this spring transition with scalping, which is a term that refers to dropping your lawnmower blade down a few notches. While the technique is usually frowned upon during the warmer months, it’s actually quite beneficial in wintertime. Scalping mows off all of the brown stubble in your grass that winter leaves behind. Plus, you can get rid of a ton of your winter weeds this way, which allows for more water and sunshine to get to the soil. Then, before you know it, with warm ground that stays hydrated, you’ll see new growth in no time.
While normally around this time scalping would already be done, the cold fronts can push this back a few weeks and that’s okay. Just make sure winter weather is behind you before you start this process. Also, make sure you’re removing the clippings that scalping may leave behind and chuck those in your compost pile.
Now’s the time to begin thinking about weedkillers for your lawn, and you’ll have to decide between the two types – broadleaf weedkillers and pre-emergent weedkillers. Broadleaf weed killers are used in eliminating a particular type of weed – we’re talking about clovers, thistles, dichondra, dandelions, and more. These are technically considered post-emergent weedkillers that kill weeds that have already germinated. So you’ll want to use this one in a different season. For now, you’ll want to use a pre-emergent weedkiller that attacks seeds before they even begin to germinate in your lawn. This will need to be applied at the beginning of March in order to be successful for spring.
Fertilizing is a huge step in this process because it can really help boost your grass growth overall. With Texas having predominantly warm-season turfgrass, this is important when choosing the right fertilizer. Once temperatures begin to warm up in late March to early April, this is the time you’ll want to fertilize. First, make sure you know which type of grass you have. Bermuda, St. Augustine, and zoysia usually require fertilizing in late March. For other types of grass, you might need to wait until early April to put it down.
So, what do you think about this springtime lawn care schedule? Is this something you’ll start incorporating into your season lawn regimen? Share with us your thoughts in the comments section! Or if you’re looking for more information about this winter transition schedule and need some help, as always, give us a call over at Handsome Lawn Service.